S.NO Date Of Upload Purpose Of Tender Tender Number Location Of Office Inviting Tender Last Date Of Sale Of Tender Document Opening Date
1 25.06.2024 Providing computer software maintenance contract on board dci dredgers crafts and project offices at Haldia Kolkata GEM/2024/B/5089141 PO,Haldia 05.07.2024 05.07.2024
2 28.03.2024 Bareboat Chatering of DCI ID Ganga(CORR-1) DCI/MKTG/ID GANGA/889/2024 Head Office, Vizag 24.07.2024 24.07.2024
3 29.09.2023 BAREBOAT CHARTERING OF DCI DREDGE BH1(CORR-1,2) DCI/MKTG/DR-BH1/798A/2023 Head Off,Vizag 26.06.2024 26.06.2024

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